In the past two weeks I've have been trying to get a bit of form back, which isn't easy. I've been slowly getting it back though and have now been selected to do another stage race. This means I get my first experience of a team TT, which is a lot harder than you think. It's a short stage race of only 4 days but apparently it's hard, but should be good fun. Cycling still going well in general as well but these days with it being 40 degrees it means early start.
On the other hand my cooking has got a lot better with me whipping out a Jamie Oliver recipe every other day. Apart from that not alot really has happend. just a lot of nights at the bar and afternoon eating ice cream.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
This week has been another week with little training. Now its started to be about 40degrees on a daily bases the hours of training come down and it just racing, then recover. Most of the time its been a mixture of gym work and going out for three hours, with one day of distance training. Wednesday was a good 5 hours on the bike.
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